フィンランドと日本のアーティスト’Artistic team Laavu’のリサーチ(岩手と山形で)
先月盛岡で開催されたArtistic team Laavuの活動報告会の後も、カイサ・ケラターさんと私は、岩手県と山形県に滞在してリサーチを続けました。少しご紹介します。地域の方々と環境がどのようなつながりを持っていて、それは地域の物語や信仰にどのように現れているかを探る旅でした。
After the presentation of ‘Artistic team Laavu’ was held in Morioka last month, Kaisa Kerätär and I stayed Iwate and Yamagata prefectures. We continued our research and explored how people are connected to their environment, and how it appears in local narratives and beliefs.
In Oohasama Town, Hanamaki City, Iwate Prefecture, we asked local people about the origins of the Hayachine Dam and the current state of the town.
We also took a walk around Kawara-no-bo on Mt. Hayachine, and learned about efforts to protect the nature of Mt. Hayachine, as well as various animals, birds and plants on the mountain.
In Tono City, we climbed up a narrow and steep mountain road to Tsuzuki-ishi, and experienced a mysterious and great place.
In the Shonai region of Yamagata Prefecture, we walked near Gekko River Kasen Park, where you can see the majestic Mt. Chokai up close.
Because the revetments made by humans are kept to a minimum without disturbing the natural shape and environment of the river, Ms. Kaisa told me that the river ecosystem is well maintained. We were able to see spring water and meet various animals and plants.
We also walked Mt. Haguro to learn about the religious beliefs and nature that remain in the area, and at the Kiyokawa-Sekisho in Kiyokawa Historical Park, we learned about the history of the town from everyone living in the area.
It was a wonderful time and we were able to learn and experience more than I can write here. I am also so happy that we were able to conduct our research through friendship, collaboration, and what we learned from the local people. I truly appreciate it. I would like to continue discussions and research and make some art works.