千葉 奈穂子


- 2023.10.12

展覧会「Dialogue With Land 土地との対話」の、アーティストトークを行いました

展覧会「Dialogue With Land 土地との対話」は、恵比寿のギャラリー工房親で、10月15日(日)まで開催中です。お忙しい中、展覧会にお越しくださったみなさま、気にかけてくださっているみなさま、ありがとうございます。


The exhibition ‘Dialogue With Land” is being held now at Gallery Kobo Chika in Ebisu until October 15th (Sunday). Thank you to everyone who took time out of their busy schedules to come to the exhibition and to everyone who expressed interest in us.  On Saturday October 7th, there was an artist talk by Antti Ylönen, Kaisa Kerätär and me. We introduced this exhibition concept and presentations of each of our works by using text, photos and videos. It was a long talk lasting two and a half hours.


Mr.Antti Ylönen, sculptor-photographer living in Finland, gave a talk about the sculptures works he has created and exhibited in Finland, Turkey, Japan, Denmark, and other countries. In addition, he has been focusing on photographic works in recent years, and introduced the photographic works he has taken in Japan, Germany, Denmark, Italy, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, the United Kingdom, etc. He also talked about his relationship with Japan.



Ms.Kaisa Kerätär, a biologist, writer, and curator living in Finland, gave a talk about researching and publishing with Laavu team in Finland and Tohoku area. In addition to her recent professional activity, a short introduction of her personal connection to land and stories, and about the spiritual connection to the landscape in her community.

私は、岩手で1998年から撮影している作品「父の家 My Father’s House」や、2018年にフィンランドで撮影した作品「Northern Lights」、2011年の東日本大震災と東京電力福島第一原子力発電所事故の後から福島県南相馬市の集落で撮影し、今回展示している写真作品「Seaside Town 浜辺のまち」の撮影の経緯や、集落のみなさんから教えていただいた、大切な土地との関わりについてお話ししました。


I talked about the work ‘My Father’s House’, which I have been photographing in Iwate since 1998, and the work ‘Northern Lights’, which I photographed in Finland in 2018. In addition, I talked the background of the photographic work ‘Seaside Town’ that I took in a village in Minamisoma City, Fukushima Prefecture after the Great East Japan Earthquake, tsunami, and the nuclear power plant disaster in 2011, and about the important relationship between the land and the people that I heard from residents.

Thank you for listening to the artist talk! I will let you know when the artist talk recorded at Gallery Kobo Chika are ready to view on the internet. Thank you so much!