岩手県立美術館のコレクション展「第2期 特集:げんだいびじゅつ って??」に、作品が展示されています
2023年7月14日(金)から10月15日(日)まで、岩手県立美術館のコレクション展「第2期 特集:げんだいびじゅつ って??」に、私の作品も3点展示されています。ご案内します。2011年の東日本大震災の後に福島県南相馬市に通って撮影している作品「Seaside Town 浜辺のまち」より《傷を治す木 2016年、南相馬》など、2013年~2016年に撮影した写真作品です。
岩手県立美術館 コレクション展
第2期 特集:げんだいびじゅつ って??
Iwate Museum of Art Collection Exhibition
Second period
Special Feature: What is Contemporary Art??
Date: July 14th (Fri) – October 15th (Sun), 2023
Venue: Permanent exhibition room at Iwate Museum of Art
The collection exhibition is now being held at the Iwate Museum of Art until October 15th.
This exhibition also includes three photographs of my works ‘Seaside Town’ which I took in Minamisoma city, Fukushima Prefecture after the Great East Japan Earthquake, tsunami, and the nuclear power plant disaster in 2011.
One of the photographs is “A tree that heals scars, Minamisoma, 2016”, which was taken in Kashima Ward, Minamisoma City, in a grove of Tabunoki trees with tsunami scars. ‘A tree that heals scars’ is a work that I photographed a Igne-tree (a forest or grove of trees surrounding a residence) in Minamisoma City. Deep scars caused by the tsunami remain high up on the tree’s bark, but new branches are also growing. Although many trees have been cut down for reasons of decontamination and reconstruction, these Igné-trees has been preserved and designated as tangible folk cultural properties by Minamisoma City since 2021.
I would appreciate if you could visit and see the exhibition at the Iwate Museum of Art. Thank you so much.

千葉奈穂子写真作品「浜辺のまち」より 《傷を治す木 2016年、南相馬》 岩手県立美術館蔵
Naoko Chiba from photo series ‘Seaside Town’ 《A tree that heals scars, Minamisoma, 2016》
Collection of Iwate Museum of Art