父の家 My Father’s House (1998-)

父の家 My Father's Houseより 《たらぽ山》 黒谷和紙にサイアノタイプ、2006年/2016年
From the series of My Father's House, Tarapo Mountain Cyanotype on Kurotani paper, 2006/2016
その後、私は大学で絵画を学びました。卒業したある日、私はあの消えたイチョウの葉のことを再び思い出しました。もう一度写し出すことはできないかと思い、図書館で調べると、偶然わずかな資料に出会いました。それは、幼いころに遊んだ玩具の日光写真とは違う写真技法で、19世紀写真黎明期にイギリスの天文学者ジョン・ハーシェル(Sir John Frederick William Herschel)が発明した“サイアノタイプ、Cyanotype”という青い写真の資料でした。
こうして20年間撮影しているシリーズ《父の家 My Father’s House》は、私の生涯の大事なテーマとして始まりました。
My Father's House
I still remember the first time I played with a sunprint toy when I was a little child. It was a sunny afternoon, and I was sitting on our terrace as I made my first photogram of a ginkgo leaf. I was delighted as the shape of the leaf appeared on my small piece of photo paper, and was equally shocked as it soon faded away. It’s an experience I’ve never forgotten and still remember vividly.
Much later, I would go on to study painting at university. One day soon after graduation, the memory of the vanished ginko leaf came back to me. Wanting to reproduce that image, I headed to the library, where I stumbled upon a few books describing a process different from the toy I had played with as a child. They described something called “Cyanotype”, a blueprint technology invented by British astronomer Sir John Frederick William Herschel during the dawn of photography in the early 19th century. I was soon engrossed in making cyanotypes of my own, using the books for reference. That memory of my ginkgo leaf somehow compelled me to never lose another image.
For me, the most moving part of making a print is the moment when I see an image slowly emerge in the developer. When I first started making prints in my twenties, the first images I saw emerge were the blues of cyanotype, and the color “Blue” has been at the center of my photographic expression ever since. The subjects I first chose to explore through photography were the lands and homes of my father’s ancestors here in Towa town, Iwate Prefecture, located in the Tohoku region of northern Japan. The bluish hues of home permeated the handmade Japanese Washi paper and resonated with our family memories and the unique climate of the region. This is how “My Father’s House”, a series I have continued to shoot for 20 years, began and became such an important theme in my life.
I come from a line of farmers who have worked these mountains for thirteen generations. But at the end of Japan’s economic miracle in the 1970s, agriculture alone could not support our family, so my father had no choice but to leave his home to work in the city. Our house there has now been abandoned for over 40 years.
With many other families in the village forced to make similar choices, my father’s hometown was soon all but abandoned. This phenomenon has been observed in many other parts of Japan as well. But while our family lived and worked in town during the weekdays, we would all return to our rural home here on the weekends, when my parents would till the fields and take care of our mountain property. The moment I began photographing the village, those childhood memories came rushing back to me. Whenever I take photos there, I feel like I’m spending time with my grandparents and the old friends who often come up in my father’s stories, but I also feel close to the plants and animals that now inhabit the area.
Without anyone there to keep up with repairs, my father’s house has continued to quietly rot away. Yet, whenever I stand in front of it, I feel like I catch a glimpse of the chronology of my ancestors and a history of the place itself. I come here alone every month to cut the grass that grows both inside and outside the house. In winter I shovel snow. I often find myself unable to keep up with cutting the grass that grows in and around the house on our sprawling mountainous slope. Even so, I can’t help but feel like this place—the mountains that my grandparents tilled and the trees that they planted—awaits our return each year, especially when I see the fruits that continue to grow on the trees.
My father once told me that the village’s name comes from the Ainu language. And I once found an Ainu Inau prayer stick hanging on the wall when I ventured into the attic. It made me imagine the Ainu songs that may have echoed throughout the Iwate backcountry. Over the past few hundred years, there have been several times when extreme cold led to widespread crop failure and caused many in Tohoku to perish.
Many old chestnut trees now stand beside my father’s house. They may have been planted intentionally to avoid hunger in times of famine. In this secluded mountain village, I feel like the lives of so many people from different times are entwined, layer upon layer. Recently, the more I photograph Tohoku, the more opportunities I have to ask the locals about their histories and cultures. And the more I learn, the more I find that the meaning of the things that have been left behind in my father’s village are inextricably linked to these other places and times.
Now that I live far away, I find myself wondering more and more how my father’s house and our small village are doing. Through my visits there and to other parts of Tohoku, I hope to capture the memories and landscapes of places we have long shared, determined never to lose another image of the present, so that I may share them with the future.
Naoko Chiba
February 2019

父の家 My Father's Houseより 《祖父母と曾祖父 2005年6月》成島和紙にサイアノタイプ、2006年
From the series of My Father's House, Grandparents and great-grandfather, May 2005 Cyanotype on Narushima paper, 2006
父の家 My Father's Houseより 《祖父母と曾祖父 2005年6月》成島和紙にサイアノタイプ、2006年
From the series of My Father's House, Grandparents and great-grandfather, May 2005 Cyanotype on Narushima paper, 2006

父の家 My Father's Houseより 《初梅》 黒谷和紙にサイアノタイプ、2011年
From the series of My Father's House, The First Plum Cyanotype on Kurotani paper, 2011
父の家 My Father's Houseより 《初梅》 黒谷和紙にサイアノタイプ、2011年
From the series of My Father's House, The First Plum Cyanotype on Kurotani paper, 2011

父の家 My Father's Houseより 《石と語る》黒谷和紙にサイアノタイプ、2011年
From the series of My Father's House, The Stone Said Cyanotype on Kurotani paper, 2011
父の家 My Father's Houseより 《石と語る》黒谷和紙にサイアノタイプ、2011年
From the series of My Father's House, The Stone Said Cyanotype on Kurotani paper, 2011

父の家 My Father's Houseより 《行き来る》黒谷和紙にサイアノタイプ、2011年
From the series of My Father's House, Going and Coming Cyanotype on Kurotani paper, 2011
父の家 My Father's Houseより 《行き来る》黒谷和紙にサイアノタイプ、2011年
From the series of My Father's House, Going and Coming Cyanotype on Kurotani paper, 2011

父の家 My Father's Houseより 《雪畑》成島和紙にサイアノタイプ、2008年
From the series of My Father's House, The snow field Cyanotype on Narushima paper, 2008
父の家 My Father's Houseより 《雪畑》成島和紙にサイアノタイプ、2008年
From the series of My Father's House, The snow field Cyanotype on Narushima paper, 2008

父の家 My Father's Houseより 《麦帽子》成島和紙にサイアノタイプ、2007年
From the series of My Father's House, The Straw Bonnet Cyanotype on Narushima paper, 2007
父の家 My Father's Houseより 《麦帽子》成島和紙にサイアノタイプ、2007年
From the series of My Father's House, The Straw Bonnet Cyanotype on Narushima paper, 2007

父の家 My Father's Houseより 《家族の肖像》ピンホールカメラによる撮影、ラムダプリント、2011年/2016年
From the series of My Father's House, Family Portrait Pinhole Photographs, lambda print, 2011/2016
父の家 My Father's Houseより 《家族の肖像》ピンホールカメラによる撮影、ラムダプリント、2011年/2016年
From the series of My Father's House, Family Portrait Pinhole Photographs, lambda print, 2011/2016

父の家 My Father's Houseより 《鶏小屋 2021年3月》ゼラチン・シルバー・プリント、2022年
From the series of My Father's House, A Field-side Chicken Shed, March 2021 Gelatin silver print, 2022
父の家 My Father's Houseより 《鶏小屋 2021年3月》ゼラチン・シルバー・プリント、2022年
From the series of My Father's House, A Field-side Chicken Shed, March 2021 Gelatin silver print, 2022

父の家 My Father's Houseより 《ガラス戸と柱 2021年6月》ゼラチン・シルバー・プリント、2022年
From the series of My Father's House, The Glass Doors and Pillars, June 2021 Gelatin silver print, 2022
父の家 My Father's Houseより 《ガラス戸と柱 2021年6月》ゼラチン・シルバー・プリント、2022年
From the series of My Father's House, The Glass Doors and Pillars, June 2021 Gelatin silver print, 2022

父の家 My Father's Houseより 《冬のたらぽ山 2021年12月》ゼラチン・シルバー・プリント、2022年
From the series of My Father's House, Mt. Tarapo in Winter, December 2021 Gelatin silver print, 2022
父の家 My Father's Houseより 《冬のたらぽ山 2021年12月》ゼラチン・シルバー・プリント、2022年
From the series of My Father's House, Mt. Tarapo in Winter, December 2021 Gelatin silver print, 2022

父の家 My Father's Houseより 《クリの木と雪 2021年12月》ゼラチン・シルバー・プリント、2022年
From the series of My Father's House, A Chestnut Tree in Winter, December 2021 Gelatin silver print, 2022
父の家 My Father's Houseより 《クリの木と雪 2021年12月》ゼラチン・シルバー・プリント、2022年
From the series of My Father's House, A Chestnut Tree in Winter, December 2021 Gelatin silver print, 2022

父の家 My Father's Houseより 《畑の長靴 2006年10月》黒谷和紙にサイアノタイプ、2022年
From the series of My Father's House, Boots for the Field, October 2006 Cyanotype on Kurotani paper, 2022
父の家 My Father's Houseより 《畑の長靴 2006年10月》黒谷和紙にサイアノタイプ、2022年
From the series of My Father's House, Boots for the Field, October 2006 Cyanotype on Kurotani paper, 2022